Baby showers are one of our favorite events to plan.
The anticipation of a little one, the glow of the expectant mother, the itty bitty onesies, and the miracle of life all contribute to an amazing celebration. When we found out that we were being enlisted to help plan this shower, we could not have been more excited. This gorgeous momma is one of my (Laura’s) childhood friends and we were honored to share in this special day! We need to send a big shout out to Ashley Oaks Photography for all of these pictures! We are blessed to call this fantastic photographer a dear friend!
We knew Susan was having a baby girl, so we wanted the design to keep it soft and feminine.
We used a blend of pinks and white, and kept a common girly thread for all of the print work.
The shower was held in late afternoon, so desserts and light snacks were served.
The two dessert highlights of the day? The chocolate cake pops and the chocolate chip cookie dough truffles. This momma is has always loved of cookie dough, so the egg-less cookie dough truffles were a home-run.
After refreshments, guests participated in a few shower activities. First, guests hung their “onesie” guess on a clothesline calendar. There was also a diaper doodle and a wishlist for the baby that guests could fill out while Susan opened gifts.
Guests then played a baby-themed game of “Succotash” (similar to catchphrase). The mother/daughter dynamic for the game was positively hysterical! Oh the things you never thought you’d hear your mom say… =]
There were some incredibly thoughtful gifts, but we had to mention this blanket: a sweet labor of love from a good friend of Susan’s & Susan’s mom. Hours of cross stitching and quilting created an absolutely adorable blanket.
The momma-to-be with her family: aren’t they gorgeous!?
It was a fantastic day, and we cannot wait to meet this baby girl!