Can we still get away with that ^?

Please say yes! We are busy as can be and are busting at the seams with some of the projects and upcoming features that will be occuring in the next few months. Seriously: Busting. At. The. Seams.  You will notice that we added a few more galleries to our website (go take a gander!) and will be adding a few more within the next month. Oh, and videos too, thanks to these fine folks.  Yippee! We positively love showing off our clients. They are all so pretty (and handsome).  =]

We also wanted to share the news, for those of you that don’t follow us on facebook: We won the Bride’s Choice Award 2012 on WeddingWire! We are so grateful for the wonderful reviews and client feedback that earned us a spot on that list- a sincerest of thank you’s!

To tide you over just a smidge longer, we put together a quick little montage for you:

crisp & poppy.


cut it out.

gettin’ sticky with it.

the romance of it all.

loud and proud.

warmth of love.

Happy Monday, loves!