O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree…
Looking for a non-traditional tree for a centerpiece?
We’ve got just the thing!

Spotted on the Wedding Chicks (which includes an awesome DIY video tutorial),
we simply couldn’t resist the urge to try it ourselves.

Our Supplies:

Chicken Wire (we had a few spare feet laying around)
Needle Nose Pliers w/ Wire cutters
Craft Ribbon
Faux Holly
Red Napkins

We started by rolling the chicken wire diagonally, until it was a complete tree shape.  We then used the needle nose pliers to bend the top part of the wire over and under the layer below.  It may sound complicated, but basically you are just fastening the chicken wire to itself.  Next, use the wire cutters to trim the bottom of the wire to create an even rim. Then decorate the tree as desired.  We wrapped the trees in two different ways (one vertical, one horizontal).  We then attached the holly by taking a piece of chicken wire that was previously cut off and twisting it around both holly and tree.
It really is all about your personal preference.

For the second tree, we made tiny tissue paper flowers.  If you aren’t familiar with that process, simply cut the napkins down into four squares.  None of the edges should be connected at this point.  Starting at one end, fold the napkin like an accordion to the opposite end.  Fasten the accordion with a twisty tie.  Cut both ends in a half-circle with the scissors.  Now comes the tricky part: separate each of the layers by pulling towards the twisty tie.  You have to pull as close to it as possible, without tearing the tissue (too much). We fastened the flowers, once finished, to the tree with twisty ties.

Wham bam, thank you ma’am(s)! We LOVE them!